HIAS Europe is seeking an experienced consultant (hereafter ‘evaluator’) to undertake an independent process evaluation of the implementation of the Neighbours project. The Neighbours project is being implemented in eight partner congregations across six European Union Member States.
Implementation period: September 2023- March 2024
Neighbours (2022-2024) is a two years project funded by the EU CERV programme and aims to respond to growing antisemitism in Europe by opening doors – in contrast to what too often happens today: constructing walls around synagogues and Jewish communities. The European Union of Progressive Judaism, and HIAS, an international NGO working to address the global migrant and refugee crisis, mobilized eight liberal Jewish congregations from six Member States to proactively engage neighbouring, Muslim and migrant communities. Their efforts aimed to reduce prejudice and promote mutual understanding and local integration.
The project’s ambition was to develop models supporting European Jewish communities to proactively engage with their neighbouring and local migrant communities. Addressing antisemitism and xenophobia, Neighbours mobilized Jewish congregations in Austria (Vienna), Belgium (Brussels), France (Paris and Lyon), Germany (Munich and Unna), Italy (Rome), and the Netherlands (Amsterdam)- to:
Strengthen students’ resilience to offline and online antisemitic ideas, conspiracy myths, and other forms of hatred and prejudice by inviting classes from local schools in diverse neighbourhoods into the synagogue for a morning of dialogue. The project developed a common approach that can easily be replicated by other EUPJ affiliated congregations and other Jewish communities throughout Europe.
Create local inter-faith coalitions against all forms of intolerance and hatred (i.e., antisemitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, etc.). Neighbours Coalitions aimed not only to create spaces for structured encounters and dialogue between Jews and migrant communities, but also to promote concrete joint action to promote mutual understanding, local integration and a welcoming environment for refugees and migrants.
Neighbours’ specific objectives are:
1)Debunk harmful bias, myths, conspiracy theories, and stereotypes, offline and online, through an educational program targeting 4000 students aged 16-24 in six Member States.
Neighbours project is aiming to build on the the LJG “Getting to Know Your Neighbour” educational program successfully developed in the Netherlands by the Libera Jewish congregation of Amsterdam. It has been evaluated through a research carried out by the University of Utrecht in 2020 (De Jong, Stark, 2020). The study suggests that the dialogue sessions in the Amsterdam synagogue have reduced prejudices against the Jewish community amongst participants. It highlights that a meta-analysis of all available empirical studies from the 20th century shows that positive contact between different groups leads to a decrease in prejudice (Pettigrew & Tropp,2006). Regardless of age, target group, geographic location, and contact situation, people become less biased towards the groups they come into contact with. Consequently, the acceptance of conspiracy theories about the Jews also declines- regardless of whether those topics are discussed during the visits or not. The research shows that the program resulted in decreased prejudice towards not only Jewish people, but also towards other stigmatized minority groups. For instance, homophobia, islamophobia, racism, gender inequality, and sexism are regularly discussed during the visits. Neighbours will adopt the same intersectional approach to cater to the multidimensionality of people’s experiences and identities and to address ways in which discrimination manifests for different people based on the combination of various identities.
2) to support individuals and organizations in building and maintaining interfaith coalitions in 6 Member States, involving over 80 activists and community leaders, aimed at addressing xenophobia and discrimination.
Neighbours will create an infrastructure for sustainable interfaith coalition building in eight cities -Brussels, Paris, Lyon, Munich, Unna, Vienna, Rome, and Amsterdam. The coalitions will support EU integration policies to help foster newcomer’s inclusion in society and address xenophobia and antisemitic prejudices. Coalitions start with dialogue to build understanding amongst the communities and then move to take collective action to pursue collaborative solutions, such as changes in programs, practices, and policies. They can take action in various ways, including openly discussing and unlearn prejudice, exploring and educating the public about migration and refugees, advocating with local authorities, holding events and programs, raising money to support migrants and refugees, and building partnerships.
3) educating the public about the diversity of Jewish life through the education and coalition components, awareness-raising and outreach
The project is implemented by Progressive Jewish congregations (synagogues) in six MS. With 1.2 million members worldwide, Progressive Judaism extends the scope of religious observance by granting full equality to all Jews, irrespective of gender and sexual orientation, while championing the values of the ancient Hebrew Prophets that call for justice, equality, and commitment to peace. Liberalism within Judaism is unknown to many, so is the notion that there are many different denominations within Judaism. Some people find it surprising that a person can be Jewish without being religious. By reaching out to students, religious and community leaders from diverse communities, Neighbours will promote an understanding of the diversity of contemporary Jewish identities. With the unique contribution of the several women rabbis in the consortium, the project will also tackle the way antisemitism affects women and men differently (OSCE ODIHR 2017) and the role of women in religious life and leadership.
Purpose of Evaluation:
The purpose of the evaluation is two-fold, as detailed below:
Assess the implementation of the project activities in each of the four components with a view on assessing the sustainability of the various project outputs;
Identify and articulate lessons learned that can inform future similar activities, as well as inform the development of follow-up MHPSS programming outside of the immediate emergency context.
The evaluation will seek to understand whether the design and implementation of the project were optimally linked to achieving the intended results, taking into account external factors that were contributing to or were constraining the delivery of outcomes.
The selected consultant is expected to develop the methodology, methods, and tools for data collection and analysis. This can build off the monitoring data collected by the project partners throughout the project. The first deliverable will be a 2-3 page document outlining methodology and data collection methods.
The detailed evaluation design should make use of a mix of data collection tools: desk review, interviews (in person and/or over the phone), questionnaires, as well as through reviewing other documentation such as financial information, original proposal, meeting reports, programmatic documents, and monitoring data. Field visits may be added as well. The consultant is expected to use a participatory and rights-based approach that takes into account gender, socioeconomic status and contextual factors.
Primary Deliverables:-
1:Desk review in 1 day
Associated Product: Consultation with relevant HIAS, EUPJ and LJG staff to ensure consultant is familiar with the context. Read relevant programmatic documents, including grant agreement and progress reports.
2:Methodology Document 1 day
Associated Product: The document will outline the Consultant’s suggested methodological approach including tools and approaches to be used.
3:Tool Development in 2 days
Associated Product: Interview Guides, FGD guides, other tools finalized.
4:Data Collection and analysis in 7 days
Associated Product: Interview with key stakeholders, focus group discussions, and online consultations with Neighbours partners and coalition members. Transcription of data and data analysis
5:Draft Report in 3 days
Associated Product: One round of feedback from Project Management
6:Review / Final Report 0.5 day
Associated Product: Feedback incorporated on report.
7:Debrief 0.5 day
Associated Product: 2.5 hour web-based debrief with key stakeholders on findings and recommendations.
Total days 15
Qualifications and Requirements:
At least 5 years demonstrated experience in designing, implementing, and conducting evaluations of related European programming
Prior experience with coalition building, anti-bias education, and/or European Jewish Communities would be advantageous
Experience in age, gender and diversity mainstreaming and community-based and human rights approaches preferred
Experience conducting and facilitating interviews and group discussions in cross-cultural contexts
Excellent research and communication (oral and written) skills
Excellent writing and proof-reading skills in English (English fluency required). Knowledge of French, Dutch, German, or Italian is a plus.
Ability to communicate technical information in an accessible, impactful manner
Strong teamwork and communication skills
Ability to stay organised and work to a tight timeline
We are committed to a fair and respectful hiring process, and we do our absolute best to respond to every applicant. We prioritize communication and transparency with all candidates, even those who are not moving forward. Here’s a snapshot of our hiring process:
Step 1: Submit your application!
Step 2: Phone screen with a Human Resources staff person.
Step 3: Interview with the hiring manager.
Step 4: Interview with a panel of HIAS employees.
Step 5: Reference check.
Step 6: Offer and background check.
Step 7: Start your professional journey with HIAS!
Note: Some of our hiring processes may vary, and not all candidates will advance to each step.
Over one hundred years ago, the Jewish community founded HIAS (originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) in New York City, the immigrant gateway to America. Supporting Jews fleeing persecution and poverty in Eastern Europe, our founders were guided by the traditions, texts, and history of the Jewish people – a history of oppression, displacement, and diaspora. HIAS has since helped generations of Jews facing violence because of who they were, and HIAS remains committed to helping Jewish refugees anywhere in the world. Today, our clients at HIAS come from diverse faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds, as do our staff. We bring our experience, history, and values to our work across five continents, ensuring that refugees today receive the vital services and opportunities they need to thrive.
HIAS is a learning community, committed to diversity and inclusion. We do our work with integrity, accountability, transparency, and a commitment to the highest ethical standards. We seek employees from diverse backgrounds and life experiences to join our teams located in the United States and across the globe. People who identify as BIPOC, people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQ+ community, and people with lived experiences of forced displacement or immigration are all encouraged to apply. We are committed to building a diverse workforce that reflects our vision, mission, and values.
HIAS stands for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and opportunity.
Drawing on our Jewish values and history, HIAS provides vital services to refugees and asylum seekers around the world and advocates for their fundamental rights so they can rebuild their lives.
Welcome • Acogimiento • Hospitalité • (Hachnasat Orchim)
We Welcome the Stranger
Justice • Justicia • Justice • (Tzedek)
We Pursue Justice
Empathy • Empatía • Empathie • (Chesed)
We Approach our Clients with Empathy
Partnership • Compañerismo • Coopération • (Chevruta)
We Believe in Changing the World through Partnership
Courage • Coraje • Courage • (Ometz)
We Act with Courage to Build a Better World
Resilience • Resiliencia • Résilience • (Ruach)
We Adapt and Thrive, Continuously Demonstrating our Resilience.
HIAS is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnic background, ancestry, citizenship status, religious creed, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, registered domestic partner or civil union status, familial status, pregnancy, childbirth, military status, protected veteran status, political orientation, or other legally protected.
HIAS is committed to the protection of children, vulnerable adults and any other person from any harm caused directly or indirectly due to their coming into contact with HIAS. We will not tolerate sexual exploitation, abuse or any form of child abuse or neglect by our staff or associated personnel. Any candidate offered a job with HIAS will be expected to sign and adhere to HIAS’ Code of Conduct and Safeguarding policies. All offers of employment will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records. HIAS also participates in the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this Scheme, we will request information from job applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. Likewise, HIAS will share this information when other organizations inquire about current and former HIAS staff as part of their recruitment process. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.